Coordination Between Police

Jose M Martin 20m, Sara Rivers 20m the demonstrators continues protesting of pacific form. The night has passed without incidents Up to 24,000 people they were in Sun Tens of thousands of people at dawn took Sun the night from this Friday and from Saturday. The JEC prohibited the manifestations this Saturday of reflection. BLOG: 10 keys and 1 subscript on 15-M. For the encamped ones, he has been " tuna to dawn in Sol". For the Police, a relief of turn more in the place first thing in the morning. The bullicio in the centric Madrilenian place does not stop since the reflection day began and the encamped ones have let to a side the coats sleep to share the most many-colored proposals like " vestir" of yellow the Place, in honor to the sun and the electoral eve. As it has confirmed Juan, a spokesman of the Sun assembly, the night passed without incidents, and she has been gotten to triple the number of people who have spent the night, around 3.000.

The reached maximum number of Sun demonstrators went increasing to length of the first times of the night until entering to 00,45 h between 22,000 and 24,000 people, according to an estimation of Lynce for the agency. The main workings during the morning consisted of retiring everything cartelera with political dyes that could stain or jeopardize this pacific and non-political protest. " Neither in the assembly of today nor in the one morning we will make character decisions poltico" , east spokesman has insisted, who indicates in addition that the movement " person in charge does not become of the personal opinions that some people can give of way espontnea". Also there have been searches of cleaning to at night leave the unpollluted place after the massive concentration of this Friday. " Coordination total" with the Police the coordination and affection of encamped there with the Police are " total and absoluta" , they declare.