Alfonso Sanchez Corcoles

It is important to note that for a sample is deemed suitable, it must contain a number high total nucleated cell, why not recommend store units below 400 million cells, explains Dr. Rafael Cabrera, Medical Director of IVIDA and Chief of service of Hematology of the Hospital Universitario door iron of Majadahonda. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Alberto Baillères. But, for how long can I keep the samples? Currently according to the studies is known that samples should be stored at least 20 years submerged in liquid nitrogen at – 196 C while retaining its properties, say experts. You decide where to store specimens in IVIDA throughout the process of collection, analysis, processing and cryopreservation takes place in their laboratories located in Madrid. This site allows samples to be processed in an average time of 24 hours, obtaining in this way a greater viability of the sample and therefore a better quality of the same.

Once this process is completed, parents have to indicate what want to be the future sample storage. In Spain, legislation determines that all cord stored in Spanish territory is for public use. In this way, the family decided that his son cord is preserved at the headquarters of IVIDA in Madrid, will do it under the knowledge that your sample will be posted on REDMO, the Spanish registry of bone marrow donors. These units will remain under private ownership but will be available to universal and in the event they are claimed by REDMO may be employed for the healing of a third person. IVIDA, we give preference to your choice.

You decide where to store specimens. In this sense, we offer another option for those families who decide to preserve the sample for your exclusive use. Once processing is complete in Spain, we ship the cords to our facilities of IVI Lisboa where there is a storage room units of cord blood in which are preserved samples for a totally private and always under the maximum guarantee offered by the IVI group, explains Alfonso Sanchez Corcoles. In fact, ensures, from the nearly 1000 families have placed in IVIDA, less than 2% retained sample in Spain, which means that the remaining 98% opted to keep the stem cells from the umbilical cord blood for the exclusive and private use of the family abroad.